Da Vinci’s Demons was a television series that premiered in the United States on the Starz Network in 2013. The show depicted a fictional account of Leonardo da Vinci’s early years. The show ran three seasons, with its last being in aired in 2015. These Turkish coins were used in multiple episodes during season 3.
This set includes both the large and small metal coins which have a very cool realistic feel and design. Each coin varies slightly from the one pictured, although all are in very similar condition. The coins are in very good condition with some wear from production use. They include a clear plastic display stand for the larger coin and quality copy of Certificate of Authenticity from Starz/VIP Fan Auctions.
Condition: Excellent
Large Coin Size: 1 3/8” (3.5 cm) diameter
Small Coin Size: 11/16” (1.7 cm) diameter
This is not real currency, just movie prop money. Screenshots are presented for reference purposes and are taken from: Da Vinci’s Demons. Tonto Films and Television Limited. Starz Network. 2013-2015.