Batman Forever is the 1995 version of this iconic series. It is packed with your favorite stars, like Val Kilmer (Batman), Tommy Lee Jones (Two-Face), Jim Carrey (Riddler), and Nicole Kidman. These classic bills were used in the production of the movie and as set dressing.
These mint condition $100 bills were custom printed for use in the production by various actors and scenes. They come in a “Bill Saver” semi-rigid sleeve with a clear plastic display stand and a color copy of the original Certificate of Authenticity from StarWares.
Condition: Mint
Size: 2 5/8” x 6 1/8” (6.6 cm x 15.6 cm)
This is not real currency, just movie prop money. Screenshots are presented for reference purposes and are taken from: Batman Forever. Dir. Joel Schumacher. Warner Bros., 1995.