Jack of All Trades was an action-comedy television show that only ran for two seasons back in 2000. The show revolves around life at the turn of the 19th century on the fictional french island of Pulau Pulau. Jack Stiles (Bruce Cambell) is an American secret agent that is constantly working to foil the plans of Napoleon to threaten the U.S.
This beautiful Type B “Palau Palau” bill was used in the production of the television series and is pretty rare. Due to the large size, this bill is not in a plastic sleeve. A color Certificate of Authenticity from is also included.
Condition: Very Good, Size: 9 cm x 20 cm
This is not real currency, just movie prop money. Screenshots are presented for reference purposes and are taken from: Jack of All Trades. NBCUniversal Television Distribution. Syndication Network. 2000.